Monday, February 11, 2013

Venus Game-changing Tech Forum at LPSC

From the PLANETARY EXPLORATION NEWSLETTER Volume 7, Number 6 (February 10, 2013):


Space technology is a vital tool for both scientists and engineers to reach some of the most extreme environments in our solar system. Exploring Venus with these technologies can answer key questions ranging from the history to the habitability of our universe.

To help us understand these challenges and to identify technologies that may assist you in this quest, we need your help! We would like to tell you about Space Technology and listen to your technology needs through a dialog in a Town Hall meeting format.

First, we plan to provide an overview of Space Technology and the Game-Changing Development Program, including specific examples of Venus exploration technology projects currently under development.

Next, we would like to hear from you! Your identified technology needs play a significant role in our portfolio planning and could enable innovative and exciting future Venus exploration missions.

We are looking forward to seeing y'all at LPSC on Monday March 18, from 12:00 to 13:15 in the Panther Creek Room. 

The forum is hosted by the VEXAG and will be run by Steve Gaddis, Director of the
Game-Changing Development Program, NASA LaRC.

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